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Published: 07-Feb-17
10 Quick Tips on How to Generate Website Traffic from Yahoo Answers
Yahoo Answers is the 100th most visited website in the world and just imagine how much you could benefit if you?re able to use the popularity of Yahoo Answers to generate traffic for your website? Sounds impossible? Well, it isn?t and we?ll teach you how to do it in simple steps. Tip #1 Create a Yahoo account that?s very close or exactly the same with your website?s domain name. If your website?s URL is, for instance, then find a way to create a Yahoo username similar to that. If ?mylittlestore? is not available then perhaps, you could try ?my_little_store? or some other similar variation? As you go on using Yahoo answers, people will find it easier to remember your website because it?s close to your username. Tip #2 Read the terms and conditions for use of Yahoo Answers carefully. Make sure you don?t violate any policies while working on generating traffic for your website. If you play your cards right, you?ll be able to get around the policies and continue marketing your website. Tip #3 Choose niche categories. Yahoo Answers has a fairly good classification system for its categories so you won?t have a hard time looking for the categories closest to the products or services you?re selling. Concentrate on answering questions from these categories as this will make building your credibility easier. Tip #4 Answer just a few questions each day. If you post too many answers everyday, no matter how informative, Yahoo Answers could still find a reason to accuse you of spamming and proceed with deleting your account. Tip #5 Take your time answering the questions you?ve picked for the day. Always aim to giving the ?best answer? for the question because this can only help improve your reputation. While you don?t need to have to provide overly long answers, your replies must be at the very least, informative and hopefully unique as well. Tip #6 Remember to include targeted keywords in your answer. Since questions and replies in Yahoo Answers also show up in search engine results, use of targeted keywords will enable more people to see your reply and consequently, generate traffic for your website. Avoid flooding your answers with targeted keywords. Mentioning them once or twice would be enough. Tip #7 Preview your answers and check for any errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. These little mistakes could hurt your credibility in the long run so it?s best to get them out of the way as early as possible. Tip #8 Post important links together with your answer. The links must, of course, provide additional information that people would desire to know. Last but not the least, remember to include a link to your website. Tip #9 Take note of how the question was phrased and make sure you match it in tone and style. These usually have to do with the question category as well. If you?re selling microscopes, you?ll no doubt find yourself in the science category and most questions there are technical. You?ll have to answer in the same vein if you want to gain people?s trust and respect. Tip #10 Lastly, create other Yahoo accounts for yourself and use this infrequently to vote for the answer you?ve posted with your primary account. Don?t let yourself get carried away voting or you could get all your accounts banned.

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